Custom Query (61 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 61)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#40 MatthewWhiting VincentMcIntyre fixed archive search - implement proprietary period limits

Data taken recently (within the "proprietary period") must not be made available to users outside the observing team for those observations.

The search code needs to implement:

  • no anonymous access to any data within the proprietary period
  • no access for authenticated users who are not (according to OPAL) listed on the proposal for the project number embedded in the data files
#42 MatthewWhiting VincentMcIntyre fixed anonymous access to web search form

Visiting the URL takes you to a login page.

This page should be reworked so that it allows anonymous access to the search form, but also allow people who want to check for data still in the proprietary period to authenticate themselves.

#47 DavidSmith DavidSmith fixed "Download Cal Files" fails

If you put a cal file in your cart and select "Download cal files only", it will load a page pointing to the downloads directory.

Also, if this option were selected, and no cal files were present in the cart, we would expect the same result.

This results from tarCalFiles returning an empty string. The code that calls it from query.php doesn't check the return value of tarCalFiles or output an error message if its empty.

so this ticket has 2 bugs

  • no error output if tarCalFiles returns empty
  • tarCalFiles returns empty even when there are cal files in the cart.
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.