Custom Query (61 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#68 DavidSmith DavidSmith fixed View profiles broken

Currently the ViewProfiles? pages come up, but no plots are shown, this is most likely a minor config error, ie not finding pav etc. Making this minor as this feature has been working fine for a long time.

#4 Matthew Whiting Matthew Whiting fixed Rows written to tables that are not used

Some of the binary tables have rows written to them unnecessarily. In particular, the HISTORY table has a NULL row before the row with the pvoconvert command. This seems to be in the way the PSRFITSDEFN file is set up, with those extensions having nrows=1 in their header definition.

#12 MatthewWhiting MatthewWhiting fixed "test" option for pvoconvert

It would be good to have a "test" option for pvoconvert (eg. a -t flag), that simply prints out the .fits files that will be created by running pvoconvert on a given file.

It could also print out whether or not each file exists or not.

This would be useful in determining whether there will be any problems with the proposed execution.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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