= Miriad - Source Code and Issue Tracking = Welcome. This site provides access to the [http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/miriad/ Miriad] source code and an avenue for reporting problems. == Source Code == Most users of [miriad: Miriad] will want to obtain a pre-built ''binary'' release from the [miriad: main Miriad site].[[BR]] But once you have used the package for a while you may wish to: * [source:trunk browse] the repository * get your own copy of the code, so you can build [miriad: Miriad] yourself: {{{ % svn co http://svn.atnf.csiro.au/miriad/trunk }}} == Package Status Information == * List of [report:27 current issues and bugs] * To report a new issue (bug, request for feature) : [trac:/simpleticket?component=MIRIAD%20-%20main%20line&priority=minor create ticket] * Mailing List atnf-data-reduction@atnf.csiro.au [atnf:lists/about/atnf-data-reduction.html (about)] [atnf:lists/atnf-data-reduction (message archive)] == New Development Work == * [wiki:Development/cabb-upgrade Changes to support CABB] == Contributing == If you would like to contribute a fix or an improvement to [http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/miriad/ Miriad] you are welcome to send us patches against [source:trunk the current revision]. Please see the licensing terms on the [http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/miriad/ main site]. == Admin == * [wiki:AdminPage Admin Page]