= Notes = This page is an index into notes we make on various topics. [wiki:Notes/RCSUsage RCS Usage] how to use RCS for revision control in this project [wiki:Notes/MiriadScalingLimitations MiriadScalingLimitations] upper limits on various dimensions [wiki:Notes/CABB-DataRates CABB-DataRates] some firm(ish) numbers on the maximum data rates to expect MiriadCalibrationTables Note describing the detailed layout of the current miriad calibration tables [wiki:Notes/mmNotes mmNotes] things to consider in relation to the 12, 7 and 3mm systems [wiki:Notes/Subversion Subversion] notes about the revision control system [wiki:Notes/TicketEmails TicketEmails] notes about the flow of email generated by the ticketing system [wiki:Notes/ExampleReduction Example Reduction] notes on how to reduce the CABB example dataset, the ToO observations CX167 [wiki:Notes/FirstNightReduction Example Reduction 2] notes on how JBS reduced CABB data from night of 2009-04-01 [wiki:WikiStart Wiki Home]