= [wiki:Meetings]/20090612 = Brief catchup == Agenda == Dave's departure:: who will be Project Leader? Next release:: Stage 2 was due [/trac/miriad/roadmap 2009-05-31] Review outstanding tickets:: there are several that could be closed ---- == Minutes == PL:: needs to be raised at next PRB. Release:: * release 1 - no issues related to this specifically. * bandpass varies with elevation or time, possibly did pre-CABB, now quite apparent (5% effect) No time-variable bandpass solutions in MIRIAD at the moment. * bandpass has "ripple" that seems to vary with time (timescale hours). Not seen in interferometer before, but seen at eg Mopra. Would help to have a wiki page summarising these problems. Tickets:: ticket:50, ticket:66 : refer to bits of the same issue. Should merge or close or both[[BR]] ticket:46 : MW to summarise status and close if possible[[BR]] ticket:78 : ATFIX may need a similar change. Or not - perhaps Tsys calibration takes it out?[[BR]] Other issues:: All the miriad-cabb files are locked by mirmgr, for some reason.[[BR]] MW busy in coming month with NASA tracking, fixes to websched etc. We need more effort.[[BR]] Mosaicing files with > 100 pointings or names > 8 characters can crash the CABB firmware. == Actions == * MW - ~~revisit tickets noted above~~ * MW - ~~look at making bandpass table time-dependent (1d/wk)~~ * VJM - ~~branch is behind trunk, features/fixes have been added. Move cron job to a server.~~ * VJM - ~~start drafting PRB report. Discuss with David Smith.~~ * VJM - ~~open ticket regarding comparison of whole-band vs divide&conquer imaging.~~ ticket:84. Assign to Jamie/Emil? * VJM - revisit wiki:Schedule page, it needs updating to match reality. == Participants == * Dave * Mark * Vince Emil, Jamie overseas [wiki:Meetings Meetings Home]