
Version 6 (modified by VincentMcIntyre, 16 years ago) (diff)



Special session, 13:30 in the basement


  • Choice of revision control system for the project


  • AGREED: we'll continue to use RCS. It has adequate support for symbolically-named branches and merging and we keep some features that MarkC finds particularly useful.
  • AGREED: MarkC will do the merges from the branches into trunk, when we are ready to release a 'stage'.
  • AGREED: CABB Development should be done in a specific workspace (created with mirtree), distinct from "trunk" development.
  • AGREED: Builds of CABB code will be done in the workspaces, for now. At some later stage we may need to create /nfs/atapplic/miriad_cabb, in order to make it easy for testers to know which branch they are using.
  • We discussed the idea of test programs, for "smoke" testing. A separate tree should be created for such programs when they exist. The test data files (particularly for CABB) could become unwieldly. Possibly we can keep the data files in subversion.
  • Planning for the coming week: No more CABB data available as yet. MarkW to check on his task list, discuss with Vince on Monday.


  • Dave McConnell
  • Mark Wieringa
  • Mark Calabretta
  • Vince McIntyre

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