

14:10 Ticket #69 (axisrms and axismax have different units?) created by MarkWieringa
An observer was looking at the miriad variables axisrms and axismax …


09:54 Ticket #68 (additional search locations for EXTLIBS) created by c.hales@…
I am trying to build a custom miriad task so I need to build from …


14:46 Ticket #67 (Solve large file issues in miriad tasks) created by MarkWieringa
Issue reported by email - we may need to split this up by task …
13:34 Ticket #66 (bbcal: design) created by VincentMcIntyre
We need to design the bbcal task, that will calibrate a 2GHz …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.