{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (2 matches)

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MarkWieringa (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#47 atlod can apply xyphase corrections to CABB data MIRIAD - CABB branch 14. Stage 5 - available for testing task 01/17/08

atlod currently applies xyphase based on the data in the syscal record. With CABB the xyphase info will need to be extracted from the XY autocorrelation spectra, averaged to reduce the noise and applied to the data. Also see: Syscal changes

VincentMcIntyre (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#65 write one regression test script MIRIAD - CABB branch 7. Stage 1 - available for testing enhancement 06/27/08

Because we are planning to make releases by merging to the mainline version of miriad, we need to take care not to Break Stuff when we merge.

Thus we need to build up a battery of regression tests. But first we need one, the first one.

Suggested approach is to use the 'assay' script coopted from aips++ (actually casacore).

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