Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#41 set up a tree of test case data files (for regression tests) reopened StacyMader major 7. Stage 1 - available for testing MIRIAD - CABB branch
#47 atlod can apply xyphase corrections to CABB data assigned MarkWieringa major 14. Stage 5 - available for testing MIRIAD - CABB branch
#61 find a location for miriad-cabb test case data new MarkWieringa major 7. Stage 1 - available for testing MIRIAD - CABB branch
#77 investigate performance issues new MarkWieringa minor 10. Stage 3 - available for testing MIRIAD - CABB branch
#84 image quality comparisons new MarkWieringa minor 16. Closure document MIRIAD - CABB branch
#105 deprecate TVFLAG new MarkWieringa trivial MIRIAD - CABB branch
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.