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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#113 VinceMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed atlod: new parameter edgechans?

CABB advertises (loudly) it produces 2048 channels per IF.

Yet atlod options=birdie throws away 100 channels at each end, which appears to cause consternation.

A nicer implementation would have a settable parameter for this (edgechan=N) so that the default (the number of edge channels flagged by options=birdie) could be overridden. This would still allow quick flagging of birdies, but also keep the pedants happy.

#25 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre fixed Use seeing monitor data for automatic flagging

The seeing monitor gives a useful indication of phase stability at all frequencies above 5 GHz and it should be easy to use this information to flag your data. Use the seeing monitor data to flag times of bad phase stability. The seemon data is already present in the rpfits and miriad uvdata (as smonrms variable).

#26 VincentMcIntyre VincentMcIntyre fixed review effort estimates

At the end of 2007 Oct, review PSS effort logging totals against the planned effort. Also have a look at how long a given (change) took (recorded in ticket?) vs the estimate.

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