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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#75 MarkWieringa VincentMcIntyre fixed Handle more than 16 simultaneous IFs

Currently ATLOD is limited (by RPFITS) to a maximum of 16(?) simultaneous IFs in the same data file.

With CABB zoom bands, there is potential for many more IFs than this. First, RPFITS needs to change. This ticket is to remind us to ensure the MIRIAD programs can cope with more IFs than the current maximum. With luck, very little will need to change.

#76 MarkWieringa JamieStevens worksforme blfit does not work with CABB data

During the last reconfigure, data was taken simultaneously with both the ATCA correlator and CABB. Using blfit on the ATCA correlator data gives sensible results, but the CABB data produces nonsense.

So far I have identified the following symptoms (or causes, I don't know yet):

  • the errors on the solutions are much too big, allowing blfit to assume that the solution is that all antennas are exactly where they are supposed to be
  • the seeing monitor values (smon internally) are always the same value, and these values do not correspond to the values present in the ATCA correlator data

I am trying to follow and debug the code by running the ATCA data and CABB data through gdb and finding differences that are suspicious, but have yet to hit upon anything definitive.

#80 MarkWieringa JamieStevens wontfix window selection not working as expected

From the file 2009-04-06_1121.RFI, I ATLOD it

atlod in=2009-04-06_1121.RFI out=set1.uv options=noif,unflag

I then unflag all the visibilities otherwise all data is flagged:

uvflag vis=set1.uv flagval=unflag

Now when I go to uvspec or uvplt and select window 1, I get the first IF as expected. When I don't specify a window in select, I get only the first IF. But when I select window 2 I get the error:

### Fatal Error: Invalid window selection, in UVREAD(select)

uvindex shows that both IF windows are present, and indeed a uvsplit creates all the files that one would expect for both IFs, and when one plots the second IF from the split files it appears as normal.

I am calling this priority minor because I've never experienced a problem with selecting the second IF with window before, so it may just be a fluke set of circumstances leading to this bug.

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