Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#208 assigned defect

Duchamp crashes — at Initial Version

Reported by: andrew.walsh@… Owned by: MatthewWhiting
Priority: low Milestone: Release-1.7
Component: Searching Version: 1.5
Severity: normal Keywords:


Hey Matty, just downloaded version 1.5 of Duchamap, as the old version crashed on me with a new file I am processing. Unfortunately, this version crashes as well. I suspect it might be because the fits file is 14GB, but am not sure. Here is a log of what I did:

awalsh@awalsh:~/THOR/1667$ cat duckmaps.param imageFile logFile logfile.txt outFile results.txt spectraFile Subsection [*,*,*] flagSubsection true flagKarma true minPix 15 minChannels 2 minVoxels 26 snrCut 3.0 flagAdjacent true threshVelocity 1 awalsh@awalsh:~/THOR/1667$ Duchamp -v Duchamp version 1.5 awalsh@awalsh:~/THOR/1667$ Duchamp -p duckmaps.param Opening image:[1:2880,1:2880,1:460] Dimensions of FITS file: 2880x2880x460 Reading data ...

About to allocate 14.229GB of which 14.2136GB is for the image

Done. Data array has dimensions: 2880x2880x460 Opened successfully.

Image to be analysed.............................[imageFile] =[1:2880,1:2880,1:460] Intermediate Logfile...............................[logFile] = logfile.txt Final Results file.................................[outFile] = results.txt Karma annotation file............................[karmaFile] = duchamp-Results.ann Saving mask cube?...........................[flagOutputMask] = false Saving 0th moment to FITS file?........[flagOutputMomentMap] = false Saving 0th moment mask to FITS file?..[flagOutputMomentMask] = false Saving baseline values to FITS file?....[flagOutputBaseline] = false

Type of searching performed.....................[searchType] = spatial Trimming Blank Pixels?............................[flagTrim] = false Searching for Negative features?..............[flagNegative] = false Area of Beam................................................ = No beam Removing baselines before search?.............[flagBaseline] = false Smoothing data prior to searching?..............[flagSmooth] = false Using A Trous reconstruction?...................[flagATrous] = false Using Robust statistics?...................[flagRobustStats] = true Using FDR analysis?................................[flagFDR] = false SNR Threshold (in sigma)............................[snrCut] = 3 Minimum # Pixels in a detection.....................[minPix] = 15 Minimum # Channels in a detection..............[minChannels] = 2 Minimum # Voxels in a detection..................[minVoxels] = 26 Growing objects after detection?................[flagGrowth] = false Using Adjacent-pixel criterion?...............[flagAdjacent] = true Max. velocity separation for merging........[threshVelocity] = 1 Reject objects before merging?.......[flagRejectBeforeMerge] = false Merge objects in two stages?...........[flagTwoStageMerging] = true Method of spectral plotting.................[spectralMethod] = peak Type of object centre used in results..........[pixelCentre] = centroid

Commencing search in cube...

Calculating the cube statistics... terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc

Aborted (core dumped) awalsh@awalsh:~/THOR/1667$

Later. Andrew xxx

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