{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (28 matches)

List tickets assigned, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.

MatthewWhiting (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Severity Created
#59 Make threshold dependent on local noise Searching Release-2.0 task major 06/04/09

It would be good to have the threshold depend on what the local noise is. For instance, with 2D images, there might be regions of lower noise, where you want to search deeper, compared to other regions that might be affected by artifacts where the threshold will be higher.

There might be a need to output an image showing the detection threshold as a function of position.

#128 Add integrated spectra to Detection class Code base Release-2.0 enhancement major 07/14/11

From ASKAPsoft development, it would be good to have the Detection class hold the integrated spectrum. This would make it easier to record it in the case where we *don't* have access to the full pixel array.

As an aside, this would help the solution of #87. Storing the moment map would also be beneficial.

For the integrated spectra, to be complete we would need to store the peak spectrum as well, and do this for the reconstructed/smoothed array and the baseline array. The memory overheads for this should be small (a 16K spectrum, for instance, would require 384kB for all these spectra).

#71 single threshold vs adaptive threshold Searching enhancement normal 03/09/10

This is related to #59.

It would be good to have (IWBGTH) the ability to select either a single threshold (this is the current functionality) or an adaptive threshold.

The latter case could either be:

  • a S/N cut depending on the noise in a given 2D image
  • a S/N cut depending on the noise in a given 1D spectrum
  • a spatial filter (in the style of the ASKAPsoft continuum case) to determine the local noise
  • a spectral equivalent
  • a "3D" equivalent, looking at a bunch of channels over a small range of frequencies.

Where the stats are calculated would depend on the single/adaptive nature of the threshold, and on what the adaptive case was.

#230 Duchamp can not read my fits file FITS reader defect major 07/30/14

We installed Duchamp 1.61 successfully and confirmed that my installation is good by running VerifyDuchamp?.sh. However, when we give our FITS file it give us the following error.

$Duchamp -p input1
WARNING <Reading parameters> : PGPlot has not been enabled, so setting flagXOutput, flagMaps, flagPlotSpectra and flagPlotIndividualSpectra to false.                                                                                                                                   
Opening image: allsky.fits                                                                                                                  
Dimensions of FITS file: 214125051624                                                                                                       
WARNING <Cube Reader> : 0x7fff37db0c08                                                                                                      
ERROR <Duchamp> : Unable to open image file allsky.fits                                                                                     

Duchamp failed with the following error:
Unable to open image file allsky.fits   

We made sure our FITS file is not damaged by opening the file in a different FITS file viewer.

Is there any special formatting we should do for the FITS files before use in Duchamp?

It would be really great if you could give a hint about the possible mistake.

We also installed the cfitsio and wcslib. We think we linked them correctly, because the Verification script ran successfully.


#33 peak column density Output enhancement normal 03/25/08

Suggestion from Mary Putman:

Has anyone else been interested in pulling out the peak column density of the objects? Maybe not since most people are cataloging galaxies. I was trying to figure out the easiest way to extract that for each object and if there is anything from Duchamp that would help.

#40 Ricean noise Searching enhancement normal 06/05/08

Enno Middelberg would like to use Duchamp to examine cubes with Faraday depth as the third axis. The problem with doing this is that the noise in such a cube is not Gaussian, but Ricean. This means that the way the noise parameters and the probability of each pixel being noise or source needs to be done differently.

Investigate the Rice distribution and how one estimates parameters, and incorporate into the cube stats functions.

#49 allow specification of output measurements Output enhancement normal 01/14/09

This was prompted by ticket #33. It would be nice to have the ability to specify which output columns are written. If the peak column density is included, it will not be of interest a lot of the time. The way around that would be to have an input parameter specify a list of quantities to be written. e.g.

outputParams ra,dec,f_int,w50,col_dens,s/n

This would impact on the output functions -- each parameter would need a check to see whether it appeared in the list before it was written out.

#58 Allow use of an input mask Input task normal 06/04/09

It would be good (from talking with Dominic) to include the possibility of providing a mask as input. This should highlight only those pixels of interest for the source finding -- all other pixels will be ignored.

This is of particular interest for data that is non-rectangular, but where one might want to mask out the edge regions due to their higher noise.

#73 Incorporate moment maps/spectra into Detection class Code base Release-2.0 enhancement normal 03/11/10

It would be useful from the ASKAP cduchamp point of view to have the Detection class store the moment map and spectrum. This would enable us to access them separately and potentially output as FITS files or whatever as needed.

It would make the plotting of them relatively straightforward too!

#87 Enable sequential reading/searching of large images Searching Release-2.0 task normal 06/09/10

While proper distributed processing is not yet available in Duchamp, is should be easy to implement a pseudo-distributed search, where each channel map is read and searched individually, then the sources combined in the usual way.

Use this ticket to record work needed to produce this option - it would be useful for searching large images that do not fit in memory.

#89 Update doxygen tags Code base Release-2.0 defect normal 06/09/10

There are a lot of functions that do not have doxygen comments associated with them. Do a large update before the next major release!

#90 possible memory issues with wavelet reconstruction Building/Installation Release-2.0 defect normal 07/30/10

Email from Tobias: Likely to be lack of memory, but perhaps Duchamp can be a bit smarter about reporting problems like this?

Hi Matthew,

last night I was trying to run Duchamp with wavelet reconstruction on the Westerbork model cube for WALLABY. However, Duchamp quit during the calculation of cube statistics without providing any useful error message other than "Abort".

Below please find a transcript of the complete Duchamp run. Without the wavelet reconstruction it works fine, but as soon as I turn the wavelet reconstruction on, Duchamp aborts prematureley.

I was wondering if this is a known issue or if anything is wrong with the parameters? Wavelet reconstruction does work on other data cubes.

Thank you! Tobias

parsec:/u/wes160/Documents/WALLABY/TWG4/WSRT_Test_Cube_1/> Duchamp -p duchamp.par
Opening image: wallaby_sky_beam.fits
Dimensions of FITS file: 360x360x1464x1
Reading data ... Done. Data array has dimensions: 360x360x1464
Opened successfully.

---- Parameters ----
Image to be analysed.........................[imageFile]  = wallaby_sky_beam.fits
Intermediate Logfile...........................[logFile]  = duchamp-logfile.txt
Final Results file.............................[outFile]  = duchamp-results.txt
Spectrum file..............................[spectraFile]  = duchamp-spectra.ps
Karma annotation file........................[karmaFile]  = duchamp-annotation.ann
0th Moment Map...............................[momentMap]  = duchamp-MomentMap.ps
Detection Map.............................[detectionMap]  = duchamp-DetectionMap.ps
Display a map in a pgplot xwindow?.........[flagXOutput]  = true
Saving reconstructed cube?.............[flagOutputRecon]  = false
Saving residuals from reconstruction?..[flagOutputResid]  = false
Saving mask cube?.......................[flagOutputMask]  =  true --> duchamp-mask.fits
Saving 0th moment to FITS file?.........[flagOutputMask]  =  true --> duchamp-mom0.fits
Type of searching performed.................[searchType]  =  spatial
Trimming Blank Pixels?........................[flagTrim]  =  false
Searching for Negative features?..........[flagNegative]  =  false
Removing Milky Way channels?....................[flagMW]  =  false
Area of Beam (pixels)...................................  =  10.1978
Removing baselines before search?.........[flagBaseline]  =  false
Smoothing data prior to searching?..........[flagSmooth]  =  false
Using A Trous reconstruction?...............[flagATrous]  =  true
Number of dimensions in reconstruction........[reconDim]  =  1
Minimum scale in reconstruction...............[scaleMin]  =  1
SNR Threshold within reconstruction...........[snrRecon]  =  4
Filter being used for reconstruction........[filterCode]  =  1 (B3 
spline function)
Using Robust statistics?...............[flagRobustStats]  =  true
Using FDR analysis?............................[flagFDR]  =  false
SNR Threshold (in sigma)........................[snrCut]  =  1
Minimum # Pixels in a detection.................[minPix]  =  5
Minimum # Channels in a detection..........[minChannels]  =  5
Growing objects after detection?............[flagGrowth]  =  false
Using Adjacent-pixel criterion?...........[flagAdjacent]  =  true
Max. velocity separation for merging....[threshVelocity]  =  7
Reject objects before merging?........[flagRejectBeforeMerge]  =  false
Merge objects in two stages?..........[flagTwoStageMerging]  =  true
Method of spectral plotting.............[spectralMethod]  =  peak
Type of object centre used in results......[pixelCentre]  =  centroid

Commencing search in reconstructed cube...
  Reconstructing...  All Done.
  Calculating the cube statistics... Abort

#91 Incorporate ASKAP-developed fitting code Code base task normal 09/09/10

It would be good if the code developed for ASKAP - the Gaussian fitting and the variable threshold stuff - could be incorporated into the standalone Duchamp package.

This would mean:

  • Importing the relevant files
  • Purging ASKAP-related stuff (logging, parallel/distributed processing, ...)
  • Updating the build requirements to allow for casacore
    • This could be an optional thing, much like pgplot, where if someone doesn't have casacore it is still possible to build Duchamp.

The impact of doing this should be evaluated.

#97 Deblending via moment-0 map fitting Searching Release-2.0 enhancement normal 10/29/10

An idea for deblending could be to use the tools developed for subcomponent analysis and fitting in cduchamp, but operating on the moment-0 map.

This would allow separation of obviously distinct sources that have been merged.

The trick would then be trying to assign spectra to each object. Perhaps if you do a fit, then you could assign each spatial pixel to an object based on the proportion of the total flux that each component contributes (either the total flux in the observed data, or the total of all fitted flux). The resulting spectrum is then made up of the weighted sum of all detected pixels - weighted by the pixel's proportional contribution.

#98 Get rid of XXallocated flags Code base Release-2.0 defect normal 10/29/10

These flags (such as arrayAllocated) in the Cube classes are unnecessary. Should just test for the pointer being zero - this will clean things up a bit.

#104 Move away from C-style arrays to a better Array class to hold image arrays Code base Release-2.0 task normal 01/13/11

See discussion here: http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/freestore-mgmt.html#faq-16.18 and below.

This would be much more robust and clean up the code a lot. Will require a fair bit of refactoring though (all the Cube functions will change somewhat...)

#117 improve error reporting for getStats functions Code base Release-2.0 enhancement normal 03/02/11

The way the getStats functions report / deal with errors is not terribly useful. It would be better to make use of a return value so that the calling function knows if something went wrong.

Here's the example that I had: I was calling findMedianStats with a mask, but had the wrong size provided - instead of the size of the array, it was the number of good points in the mask. findMedianStats then looks at only the first 'size' points in the mask array, but in this case they were invalid, and so no good points were found.

Might also want to improve the documentation so that the nature of the "size" parameter is explicitly identified.

#176 Fix non-verbose settings Code base Release-2.0 defect normal 01/09/13

When verbose=false, there are still a number of messages that get written to screen.

Chase these down and make the behaviour consistent.

#204 Add mask optimisation to Duchamp as an user-selectable option Searching Release-1.7 task normal 09/30/13

The mask optimisation routine used in Selavy should be added to Duchamp. It uses no new code/libraries other than the ASKAP logging and the parameter set interface (which can easily be changed to a Param interface).

This would be a worthwhile inclusion in 1.6, and would address a few concerns people have about using Duchamp. The User Guide should detail what is being done, and cite Westmeier (I think) for the reason you want this (ie. to get total integrated flux).

#214 Add option of busy function fitting other Release-1.7 enhancement normal 04/01/14

It would be good to have the option of adding the busy function to Duchamp. so that we could fit to the integrated spectra.

The fit results would be written to a separate catalogue file.

#215 Add explicit statement of UCDs for output parameters Documentation Release-1.7 enhancement normal 04/01/14

In the User Guide, the only place the UCDs used for the output parameters are listed is in Appendix E where they are buried in the VOTable header.

It would be good to have a simple table somewhere (in the appendix, perhaps), that lists the Duchamp parameter and its corresponding UCD.

#217 Incorporate parameter-management GUI in release Input Release-1.7 enhancement normal 04/01/14

This is a pretty complete GUI, so it would be good to release this soonish.

Needs a little bit of tidying up to get the interface with the parameter defaults etc working well, but shouldn't be too much work.

Aim for 1.7 release.

#221 Improved "absorption-line" mode other Release-1.7 enhancement normal 04/10/14

It would be good to have a specific absorption-line mode, that does both negative searching and baseline-subtraction.

Together with this, it would be good to have absorption-line-specific parameterisation: peak optical depth, integrated optical depth, peak (& mean?) continuum level.

See notes in #219.

#229 problems with Duchamp installition Building/Installation defect normal 06/11/14


When I am installing Duchamp, I meet some problems as below:

The error reports: "src/Utils/PlottingUtilities.cc:31:28: fatal error: wcslib/cpgsbox.h: No such file or directory"

However, when I write the path as "#include </home/liutie/Duchamp/Duchamp-1.6.1/src/Utils/cpgsbox.h>" the error becomes "PlottingUtilities?.cc:(.text+0x25d): undefined reference to `pgwcsl_' PlottingUtilities?.cc:(.text+0x349): undefined reference to `cpgsbox'"

Do you have some suggestions on fixing the error for makeing the files? Thanks very much.

Best regards, Tie Liu

#235 build fails on OSX 10.9.5 Building/Installation defect normal 05/29/15
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ --with-wcslib=/usr/local/include --with-pgplot=/usr/local/lib
checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0
checking for g++... g++
checking whether the C++ compiler works... yes
checking for C++ compiler default output file name... a.out
checking for suffix of executables... 
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for g77... no
checking for xlf... no
checking for f77... no
checking for frt... no
checking for pgf77... no
checking for cf77... no
checking for fort77... no
checking for fl32... no
checking for af77... no
checking for xlf90... no
checking for f90... no
checking for pgf90... no
checking for pghpf... no
checking for epcf90... no
checking for gfortran... gfortran
checking whether we are using the GNU Fortran 77 compiler... yes
checking whether gfortran accepts -g... yes
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for install... install
checking for log in -lm... yes
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking time.h usability... yes
checking time.h presence... yes
checking for time.h... yes
checking math.h usability... yes
checking math.h presence... yes
checking for math.h... yes
checking values.h usability... no
checking values.h presence... no
checking for values.h... no
checking iostream usability... no
checking iostream presence... no
checking for iostream... no
checking fstream usability... no
checking fstream presence... no
checking for fstream... no
checking sstream usability... no
checking sstream presence... no
checking for sstream... no
checking iomanip usability... no
checking iomanip presence... no
checking for iomanip... no
checking vector usability... no
checking vector presence... no
checking for vector... no
checking string usability... no
checking string presence... no
checking for string... no
checking algorithm usability... no
checking algorithm presence... no
checking for algorithm... no
checking functional usability... no
checking functional presence... no
checking for functional... no
checking for stdbool.h that conforms to C99... yes
checking for _Bool... yes
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for inline... inline
checking for ranlib... ranlib
configure:  Using darwin build option
checking for working strtod... yes
checking for floor... yes
checking for pow... yes
checking for sqrt... yes
checking for strtol... yes
checking for log... yes
checking for atan... yes
checking for fabs... yes
configure: LIBDIRS
checking for /usr/lib... yes
checking for /usr/local/lib... yes
checking for /usr/local/pgplot... no
checking for /usr/local/cfitsio... yes
checking for /usr/local/wcslib... yes
checking for /local/lib... no
checking for /local/pgplot... no
checking for /local/cfitsio... no
checking for /opt/SUNWspro/lib... no
checking for /opt/local/lib... no
configure:   -- PGPLOT -- 
configure: Using directory "/usr/local/lib"
checking for /usr/local/lib/cpgplot.h... no
checking for /usr/local/lib/pgplot/cpgplot.h... no
checking for /usr/local/lib/include/cpgplot.h... no
checking for cosd in -lsunmath... no
checking for iand_ in -lM77... no
checking for f77_init in -lF77... no
checking for X... libraries /usr/X11/lib, headers /usr/X11/include
checking whether -R must be followed by a space... neither works
checking for gethostbyname... yes
checking for connect... yes
checking for remove... yes
checking for shmat... yes
checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes
configure: X-library search yielded X_CFLAGS= -I/usr/X11/include, X_LIBS= -L/usr/X11/lib, X_EXTRA_LIBS=, X_PRE_LIBS= -lSM -lICE
checking for deflate in -lz... yes
checking for png_error in -lpng... yes
checking for pgopen in -lpgplot... yes
checking for gerror_ in -lg2c... no
checking for main in -lstdc++... yes
checking for main in -lc++... yes
checking for _gfortran_getenv in -lgfortran... no
checking for cpgopen in -lcpgplot... yes
configure: PGPLOT appears to be available.
checking for /usr/local/lib/libcpgplot.a... yes
configure:   -- CFITSIO -- 
checking for /usr/include/fitsio.h... no
checking for /usr/include/cfitsio/fitsio.h... no
checking for /usr/local/include/fitsio.h... yes
checking for recv in -lsocket... no
checking for ffopen in -lcfitsio... yes
configure: CFITSIO appears to be available.
checking for /usr/lib/libcfitsio.a... no
checking for /usr/lib/cfitsio/libcfitsio.a... no
checking for /usr/local/lib/libcfitsio.a... yes
configure:   -- WCSLIB -- 
configure: Using directory "/usr/local/include"
checking for /usr/local/include... yes
checking for /usr/local/include/lib... no
checking for /usr/local/include/wcslib... yes
checking for /usr/local/include/wcslib/wcs.h... yes
checking for wcss2p in -lwcs... yes
checking for cpgsbox in -lpgsbox... no
configure: WCSLIB appears to be available.
checking for /usr/local/include/libwcs.a... no
checking for /usr/local/include/wcs/libwcs.a... no
checking for /usr/local/include/wcslib/libwcs.a... no
checking for /usr/local/include/lib/libwcs.a... no
checking for /usr/local/include/lib/wcs/libwcs.a... no
checking for /usr/local/include/lib/wcslib/libwcs.a... no
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating src/config.h
config.status: src/config.h is unchanged
joanne:duchamp mad134$ make
g++ -o Duchamp-1.6.1 ./src/mainDuchamp.o ./src/duchamp.o ./src/param.o ./src/fitsHeader.o ./src/PixelMap/Line.o ./src/PixelMap/Voxel.o ./src/PixelMap/Scan.o ./src/PixelMap/Object2D.o ./src/PixelMap/Object3D.o ./src/ATrous/filter.o ./src/ATrous/B3SplineFilter.o ./src/ATrous/TriangleFilter.o ./src/ATrous/HaarFilter.o ./src/ATrous/FilterFactory.o ./src/ATrous/atrous_1d_reconstruct.o ./src/ATrous/atrous_2d_reconstruct.o ./src/ATrous/atrous_3d_reconstruct.o ./src/ATrous/baselineSubtract.o ./src/ATrous/ReconSearch.o ./src/Detection/detection.o ./src/Detection/ObjectGrower.o ./src/Detection/areClose.o ./src/Detection/lutz_detect.o ./src/Detection/mergeIntoList.o ./src/Detection/outputDetection.o ./src/Detection/sorting.o ./src/Detection/spectrumDetect.o ./src/Cubes/cubes.o ./src/Cubes/cubes_extended.o ./src/Cubes/baseline.o ./src/Cubes/CubicSearch.o ./src/Cubes/detectionIO.o ./src/Cubes/existingDetections.o ./src/Cubes/getImage.o ./src/Cubes/invertCube.o ./src/Cubes/Merger.o ./src/Cubes/momentMap.o ./src/Cubes/smoothCube.o ./src/Cubes/spectraUtils.o ./src/Cubes/trimImage.o ./src/FitsIO/Beam.o ./src/FitsIO/DuchampBeam.o ./src/FitsIO/ReadExisting.o ./src/FitsIO/ReadExistingRecon.o ./src/FitsIO/ReadExistingSmooth.o ./src/FitsIO/WriteArray.o ./src/FitsIO/WriteBaselineArray.o ./src/FitsIO/WriteMaskArray.o ./src/FitsIO/WriteMomentMapArray.o ./src/FitsIO/WriteMomentMaskArray.o ./src/FitsIO/WriteReconArray.o ./src/FitsIO/WriteSmoothArray.o ./src/FitsIO/dataIO.o ./src/FitsIO/headerIO.o ./src/FitsIO/subsection.o ./src/FitsIO/wcsIO.o ./src/Utils/Section.o ./src/Utils/Statistics.o ./src/Utils/feedback.o ./src/Utils/GaussSmooth1D.o ./src/Utils/Hanning.o ./src/Utils/VOField.o ./src/Utils/VOParam.o ./src/Utils/getStats.o ./src/Utils/getNormalStats.o ./src/Utils/getRobustStats.o ./src/Utils/linear_regression.o ./src/Utils/medianBaseline.o ./src/Utils/position_related.o ./src/Utils/sort.o ./src/Utils/string_related.o ./src/Utils/wcsFunctions.o ./src/Utils/zscale.o ./src/Outputs/columns.o ./src/Outputs/CatalogueSpecification.o ./src/Outputs/CatalogueWriter.o ./src/Outputs/FileCatalogueWriter.o ./src/Outputs/ASCIICatalogueWriter.o ./src/Outputs/VOTableCatalogueWriter.o ./src/Outputs/AnnotationWriter.o ./src/Outputs/KarmaAnnotationWriter.o ./src/Outputs/DS9AnnotationWriter.o ./src/Outputs/CasaAnnotationWriter.o ./src/Cubes/drawBlankEdges.o ./src/Cubes/drawMomentCutout.o ./src/Cubes/outputSpectra.o ./src/Cubes/plotting.o ./src/Detection/drawBorders.o ./src/Plotting/DuchampPlot.o ./src/Plotting/MultipleDuchampPlot.o ./src/Plotting/ImagePlot.o ./src/Plotting/SpectralPlot.o ./src/Plotting/SimpleSpectralPlot.o ./src/Plotting/CutoutPlot.o ./src/Utils/mycpgplot.o ./src/Utils/PlottingUtilities.o ./src/Utils/pgplot_related.o -lwcs -L/usr/local/lib  -lcfitsio -L/usr/local/lib -lcpgplot -lpgplot  -L/usr/X11/lib  -lSM -lICE -lX11  -lz -lpng -lc++ -lstdc++ -lm  
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_cpgsbox", referenced from:
      wcsAxes(wcsprm*, unsigned long*, int, int) in PlottingUtilities.o
  "_pgwcsl_", referenced from:
      wcsAxes(wcsprm*, unsigned long*, int, int) in PlottingUtilities.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [duchamp] Error 1

#101 Velocity width improvements Output Release-2.0 enhancement normal 11/25/10

Need to look again at the calculation of the velocity widths. The values are not consistent, with W50 and W20 often being the same.

A better way to do it might be to take the integrated spectrum and apply a threshold of 50%/20% of the peak and take the extremities of the resulting detection as the width. Considerations:

  1. May want to extrapolate out from the extreme pixels to the exact threshold to get a better estimate of the width. Caution required though in case the next pixel in the spectrum goes up. Could it though? No, if we apply the threshold on that spectrum, anything outside the extremities must be below the threshold.
  2. What happens when 50% or 20% of peak is below sensible noise level? e.g a 6-sigma detection will have the 20% level at 1.2 sigma.
  3. Make integrated spectrum of just the detected pixels? But how to do point 1.? And if both 50% and 20% are below the original detection threshold, then they'll be the same...

#157 configure script putting -R/path/to/x/lib in linking command Building/Installation Release-2.0 defect normal 09/17/12

The configure script is consistently finding that the linking for the X libraries should have:

X_LIBS= -L/usr/X11/lib -R/usr/X11/lib

This is annoying, as some compilers will not recognise the -R bit. While some will ignore it more or less happily, others will actually crash - this can lead to the pgplot library not being included properly in the linking command as well.

While this can be fixed by tinkering with the Makefile, this is not really acceptable.

The offending part of the configure.ac script appears to be


#208 Duchamp crashes Searching Release-1.7 defect normal 12/18/13

Hey Matty, just downloaded version 1.5 of Duchamap, as the old version crashed on me with a new file I am processing. Unfortunately, this version crashes as well. I suspect it might be because the fits file is 14GB, but am not sure. Here is a log of what I did:

awalsh@awalsh:~/THOR/1667$ cat duckmaps.param 
imageFile 1667.sn.fits
logFile logfile.txt
outFile results.txt
spectraFile spectra.ps
Subsection [*,*,*]
flagSubsection true
flagKarma true
minPix  15
minChannels  2
minVoxels 26
snrCut 3.0
flagAdjacent true
threshVelocity 1
awalsh@awalsh:~/THOR/1667$ Duchamp -v
Duchamp version 1.5
awalsh@awalsh:~/THOR/1667$ Duchamp -p duckmaps.param 
Opening image: 1667.sn.fits[1:2880,1:2880,1:460]
Dimensions of FITS file: 2880x2880x460
Reading data ... 
 About to allocate 14.229GB of which 14.2136GB is for the image
Done. Data array has dimensions: 2880x2880x460
Opened successfully.

---- Parameters ----
Image to be analysed.............................[imageFile]  =  1667.sn.fits[1:2880,1:2880,1:460]
Intermediate Logfile...............................[logFile]  =  logfile.txt
Final Results file.................................[outFile]  =  results.txt
Karma annotation file............................[karmaFile]  =  duchamp-Results.ann
Saving mask cube?...........................[flagOutputMask]  =  false
Saving 0th moment to FITS file?........[flagOutputMomentMap]  =  false
Saving 0th moment mask to FITS file?..[flagOutputMomentMask]  =  false
Saving baseline values to FITS file?....[flagOutputBaseline]  =  false
Type of searching performed.....................[searchType]  =  spatial
Trimming Blank Pixels?............................[flagTrim]  =  false
Searching for Negative features?..............[flagNegative]  =  false
Area of Beam................................................  =  No beam
Removing baselines before search?.............[flagBaseline]  =  false
Smoothing data prior to searching?..............[flagSmooth]  =  false
Using A Trous reconstruction?...................[flagATrous]  =  false
Using Robust statistics?...................[flagRobustStats]  =  true
Using FDR analysis?................................[flagFDR]  =  false
SNR Threshold (in sigma)............................[snrCut]  =  3
Minimum # Pixels in a detection.....................[minPix]  =  15
Minimum # Channels in a detection..............[minChannels]  =  2
Minimum # Voxels in a detection..................[minVoxels]  =  26
Growing objects after detection?................[flagGrowth]  =  false
Using Adjacent-pixel criterion?...............[flagAdjacent]  =  true
Max. velocity separation for merging........[threshVelocity]  =  1
Reject objects before merging?.......[flagRejectBeforeMerge]  =  false
Merge objects in two stages?...........[flagTwoStageMerging]  =  true
Method of spectral plotting.................[spectralMethod]  =  peak
Type of object centre used in results..........[pixelCentre]  =  centroid

Commencing search in cube...
  Calculating the cube statistics... terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
Aborted (core dumped)

Later. Andrew xxx

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.