Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#68 improvement to source detection speed using size requirement MatthewWhiting enhancement high Searching
#92 Probabilistic merging of sources MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Searching
#106 Create a FLAG array that tags each pixel MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-2.0 Code base
#143 write out wavelet arrays MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-2.0 Wavelet reconstruction
#144 Enable PLPlot MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-2.0 Output
#155 Simplify reconstruction code MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-2.0 Wavelet reconstruction
#205 Allow parameterisation to be done on different image to detection MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-2.0 Input
#218 Write full detection class in binary mode MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-1.7 Output
#222 Polynomial baseline fitting MatthewWhiting task normal Release-1.7 other
#223 Incorporate STC into the VOTable MatthewWhiting task normal Release-1.7 Output
#231 Managing pixel coordinates within Detections MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-2.0 Code base
#233 VO interface updates MatthewWhiting enhancement normal Release-1.7 Output
#234 Fix inconsistency between wcs.cunit[spec] and spectralUnits in FitsHeader MatthewWhiting defect normal Release-1.7 FITS reader
#527 Release 1.6.2 MatthewWhiting task normal Release-1.6.2 Code base
#156 Make use of wcserr error reporting MatthewWhiting enhancement low Release-2.0 Code base
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.