Custom Query (35 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#33 peak column density assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement normal
#40 Ricean noise assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement normal
#49 allow specification of output measurements assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement normal
#58 Allow use of an input mask assigned MatthewWhiting task normal
#73 Incorporate moment maps/spectra into Detection class assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#87 Enable sequential reading/searching of large images assigned MatthewWhiting task Release-2.0 normal
#89 Update doxygen tags assigned MatthewWhiting defect Release-2.0 normal
#90 possible memory issues with wavelet reconstruction assigned MatthewWhiting defect Release-2.0 normal
#91 Incorporate ASKAP-developed fitting code assigned MatthewWhiting task normal
#92 Probabilistic merging of sources new MatthewWhiting enhancement normal
#97 Deblending via moment-0 map fitting assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#98 Get rid of XXallocated flags assigned MatthewWhiting defect Release-2.0 normal
#104 Move away from C-style arrays to a better Array class to hold image arrays assigned MatthewWhiting task Release-2.0 normal
#106 Create a FLAG array that tags each pixel new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#117 improve error reporting for getStats functions assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#143 write out wavelet arrays new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#144 Enable PLPlot new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#155 Simplify reconstruction code new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#176 Fix non-verbose settings assigned MatthewWhiting defect Release-2.0 normal
#204 Add mask optimisation to Duchamp as an user-selectable option assigned MatthewWhiting task Release-1.7 normal
#205 Allow parameterisation to be done on different image to detection new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#214 Add option of busy function fitting assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-1.7 normal
#215 Add explicit statement of UCDs for output parameters assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-1.7 normal
#217 Incorporate parameter-management GUI in release assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-1.7 normal
#218 Write full detection class in binary mode new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-1.7 normal
#221 Improved "absorption-line" mode assigned MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-1.7 normal
#222 Polynomial baseline fitting new MatthewWhiting task Release-1.7 normal
#223 Incorporate STC into the VOTable new MatthewWhiting task Release-1.7 normal
#229 problems with Duchamp installition assigned MatthewWhiting defect normal
#230 Duchamp can not read my fits file assigned MatthewWhiting defect normal
#231 Managing pixel coordinates within Detections new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-2.0 normal
#233 VO interface updates new MatthewWhiting enhancement Release-1.7 normal
#234 Fix inconsistency between wcs.cunit[spec] and spectralUnits in FitsHeader new MatthewWhiting defect Release-1.7 normal
#235 build fails on OSX 10.9.5 assigned MatthewWhiting defect normal
#527 Release 1.6.2 new MatthewWhiting task Release-1.6.2 normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.