Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#157 configure script putting -R/path/to/x/lib in linking command assigned MatthewWhiting low Release-2.0 Building/Installation
#208 Duchamp crashes assigned MatthewWhiting low Release-1.7 Searching
#89 Update doxygen tags assigned MatthewWhiting normal Release-2.0 Code base
#90 possible memory issues with wavelet reconstruction assigned MatthewWhiting normal Release-2.0 Building/Installation
#98 Get rid of XXallocated flags assigned MatthewWhiting normal Release-2.0 Code base
#176 Fix non-verbose settings assigned MatthewWhiting normal Release-2.0 Code base
#229 problems with Duchamp installition assigned MatthewWhiting normal Building/Installation
#230 Duchamp can not read my fits file assigned MatthewWhiting normal FITS reader
#234 Fix inconsistency between wcs.cunit[spec] and spectralUnits in FitsHeader new MatthewWhiting normal Release-1.7 FITS reader
#235 build fails on OSX 10.9.5 assigned MatthewWhiting normal Building/Installation
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.