The Duchamp Source Finder ------------------------- Here's a brief guide to getting Duchamp up and running. There is an executable (Duchamp) that has been compiled on a Debian Linux kernel 2.6.8-2-686, with gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13) If that is no good to you, you can compile it yourself using the Makefile included in this directory (sorry for not having a configure script or similar yet!). Duchamp uses three main external libraries: pgplot, cfitsio and wcslib. You will need to set the paths for the base directory and three libraries, as they are currently configured for my use and will not be of much use to you! These are: BASE --> the current directory PGDIR --> where the pgplot libraries (and header files) are located CFITSIODIR --> where the header file fitsio.h is CFITSIOLDIR --> where the cfitsio library is located (libcfitsio.a) WCSDIR --> where the wcslib header files are WCSLDIR --> where the wcslib library is located (libwcs.a) If you do not have the libraries, they can be downloaded from the following locations: PGPlot -- cfitsio -- wcslib -- Once you've set up the Makefile correctly, then simply typing > make duchamp will compile the program. To run it, you need to use the syntax > Duchamp -p parameterFile where parameterFile is a file with the input parameters, including the name of the cube you want to search. There are two example input files included with the distribution. The smaller one, InputExample, shows the typical parameters one might want to set. The large one, InputComplete, lists all parameters that can be entered, and a brief description of them. Refer to the documentation for further details. To get going quickly, just replace the "your-file-here" in InputExample with your image name, and type > Duchamp -p InputExample and you're off! Any questions, please contact me! Matthew Whiting March 2006