= Installing ASAP on Fedora = A binary version of ASAP 2.0, compiled on Fedora Core 3 is [ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au//pub/software/asap/asap-2.0_fc3.tar.bz2 available]. This may work on newer versions of Fedora - please give feedback. Alternatively you can install from [wiki:ASAPSourceInstall source]. You will need to also install matplotlib from source (http://sourceforge.net/projects/matplotlib). The following packages are required for a install binary (and source) install. Additional packages for source install are also required (below): {{{ blas lapack python boost libf2c tk tcl tkinter }}} The following packages are needed from the "dag" repository {{{ python-numarray ipython }}} The following packages are needed from the "extras" repository {{{ cfitsio }}} The following are needed for matplotlib {{{ freetype libpng zlib xorg-x11-libs }}} To install asap from source the following additional packages are needed {{{ scons }}} To install matplotlib from source these packages are needed {{{ tk-devel tcl-devel libpng-devel freetype-devel zlib-devel }}} The following packages may or may not be needed (probably not, please give feedback!) {{{ gnome-libs-devel gtk2-devel gtk+-devel pygtk2 glib-devel pygtk2-devel }}} To access the dag repository create a file in /etc/yum.repos.d called dag.repo and put the following text in it. {{{ [dag] name=DAG baseurl=http://apt.sw.be/fedora/$releasever/en/$basearch/dag/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 }}} To access the extras repository create a file in /etc/yum.repos.d called fedora-extras.repo and put the following text in it. {{{ [extras] name=Fedora Extras - $releasever - $basearch baseurl=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/$releasever/$b asearch/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/RPM-GPG-KEY-Fed ora-Extras }}}