

22:26 Ticket #144 (Ability to create empty scantable?) created by Simon.Ellingsen@…
I've recently written a script to load data stored as a two column …


16:05 Ticket #115 (Add median boxcar smoothing) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: I think I did this already ( 'rmedian' in smooth )
15:57 Ticket #143 (Trouble installing ASAP) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: I have also added a 64bit version to the ftp archive. have fun.
15:20 Ticket #133 (history gets large when combining scans) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Available next release via ~/.asaprc […] or […]
15:17 Ticket #137 (installing ASAP in kubuntu Hardy Heron) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: I have added a binary package to our ftp server …
15:14 Ticket #132 (merging scantable fails) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: I have change the behaviour as above. Available next release.
15:13 Ticket #130 (Plotting screen won't "stick") closed by Malte Marquarding
11:58 Ticket #127 (sdfits and fits) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: Replying to MalteMarquarding: Should be "Note that this …
11:57 Ticket #127 (sdfits and fits) reopened by Malte Marquarding
11:57 Ticket #127 (sdfits and fits) closed by Malte Marquarding
fixed: I have re-enabled image FITS export (available next release). Not the …
11:54 Changeset [1443] by Malte Marquarding
Fix ticket #127; still have to add class header hack
11:30 Changeset [1442] by Malte Marquarding
replace deprecated env.Copy
11:27 Changeset [1441] by Malte Marquarding


15:28 ASAPSourceInstall edited by Malte Marquarding
14:48 Changeset [1440] by Max Voronkov
added forgotten default unflag option
14:00 Changeset [1439] by Malte Marquarding
added Header diff function. Don't use obstype for conformance test
13:58 Changeset [1438] by Malte Marquarding
allow ALMA specific build
13:57 Changeset [1437] by Malte Marquarding
handle fortran in scons >=0.98
13:57 Changeset [1436] by Malte Marquarding
move to use ReST tro be able to use the file in wiki/html
13:56 Changeset [1435] by Malte Marquarding
optionally suppress history
13:55 Changeset [1434] by Malte Marquarding
work with ipython >= 0.8
13:54 Changeset [1433] by Malte Marquarding
allow ALMA specific build
13:54 Changeset [1432] by Malte Marquarding
fix plotting for various pols
13:53 Changeset [1431] by Malte Marquarding
work with scons >= 0.98
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.