Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#134 scantable constructor doesn't work for multiple asap files assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement normal
#168 doesn't honour frequency conversions for non asap output assigned Malte Marquarding defect normal ASAP 2.4
#186 Move this trac to science redmine new Malte Marquarding task normal
#194 Create developer doc new Malte Marquarding task high Unified development
#196 Create new Scantable definition assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement high Unified development
#206 Tidy up poly_baseline batch mode new WataruKawasaki defect high Unified development
#209 Change FIT PARAMETER Column from Double to Float assigned Malte Marquarding enhancement suspended Unified development
#213 Speed up baseline methods. new WataruKawasaki defect high Unified development
#279 export to sdfits of data with xpol no longer working new Takeshi Nakazato defect high Unified development
#282 test_nrofiller fails new Takeshi Nakazato defect normal Unified development
#288 SDFITS export import doesn't keep flags. assigned Malte Marquarding defect normal Unified development
#291 alignment error for Tid data assigned Malte Marquarding defect normal Unified development
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.