// // C++ Interface: Scantable // // Description: // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TIMING 0 #if TIMING #include #endif static const char version[] = "$Id: TableTraverse.cpp 2289 2011-09-08 09:35:40Z ShinnosukeKawakami $"; using namespace casa; namespace asap { class Comparator { public: virtual ~Comparator() {} virtual int compare(const void *a, const void *b) = 0; }; class CompContext: public Comparator { uInt nCols; void const *const *colValues; const TypeManager *const* typeManagers; public: CompContext(uInt nCols, void const *const colValues[], const TypeManager *const typeManagers[]) : nCols(nCols), colValues(colValues), typeManagers(typeManagers) { DebugAssert(colValues != NULL, AipsError); DebugAssert(typeManagers != NULL, AipsError); for (uInt i = 0; i < nCols; i++) { DebugAssert(colValues[i] != NULL, AipsError); DebugAssert(typeManagers[i] != NULL, AipsError); } } virtual int compare(const void *a, const void *b) { uInt ai = *(uInt*)a; uInt bi = *(uInt*)b; for (size_t i = 0; i < nCols; i++) { const size_t valueSize = typeManagers[i]->sizeOf(); const char *values = (const char *)colValues[i]; int diff = typeManagers[i]->getComparator()->comp(&values[ai*valueSize], &values[bi*valueSize]); if (diff != 0) { return diff; } } return 0; } }; } #if TIMING static double currenttime() { struct timeval tv; int result = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec) / 1000000.; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_QSORT_R static int compWithComparator(void *arg, const void *a, const void *b) { return ((asap::Comparator *)arg)->compare(a, b); } #else static inline void swap_(char *a, char *b, size_t size) { char tmp[size]; char *p = tmp; do { *p = *a; *a++ = *b; *b++ = *p++; } while (--size > 0); } static inline void cpy(char *dest, char *src, size_t size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { dest[i] = src[i]; } } // returning NULL means, already sorted. static inline char *quickFindPivot(char *const left, char *const right, const size_t size, asap::Comparator *comp) { char *const m = &left[(((right - left) / size) / 2 ) * size]; char *result = NULL; if (left == m) { // This means there are at most 2 elements. int diff = (left == right) ? 0 : comp->compare(left, right); if (diff > 0) { swap_(left, right, size); } if (diff != 0) { return right; } return result; } int diff = comp->compare(left, m); if (diff > 0) { swap_(left, m, size); } int diff2 = comp->compare(m, right); if (diff == 0 && diff2 == 0) { return result; } result = m; if (diff2 > 0) { swap_(right, m, size); int diff3 = comp->compare(left, m); if (diff3 > 0) { swap_(left, m, size); } else if (diff3 == 0) { result = right; } } else if (diff == 0) { result = right; } return result; } static inline char *findPivot(char *const start, char *const end, size_t size, asap::Comparator *comp) { char *result = quickFindPivot(start, end, size, comp); if (result || &start[2*size] >= end) { return result; } for (char *pivot = start + size; pivot <= end; pivot += size) { int diff = comp->compare(start, pivot); if (diff < 0) { return pivot; } else if (diff > 0) { swap_(start, pivot, size); return pivot; } } return NULL; // all values are same. } static void sort_(char *const left, char *const right, const size_t size, asap::Comparator *comp, int level) { char *const m = findPivot(left, right, size, comp); if (m == NULL) { return; } char *l = left; char *r = right; char pivot[size] __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); cpy(pivot, m, size); while (true) { while (l < r && comp->compare(l, pivot) < 0) { l += size; } while (l < r && comp->compare(pivot, r) <= 0) { r -= size; } if (l >= r) { break; } swap_(l, r, size); l += size; r -= size; } if (l == r && comp->compare(l, pivot) < 0) { l += size; } sort_(left, l - size, size, comp, level + 1); sort_(l, right, size, comp, level + 1); } #endif static inline void modernQSort(void *base, size_t elements, size_t size, asap::Comparator *comp) { if (elements > 1) { #ifdef HAVE_QSORT_R qsort_r(base, elements, size, comp, compWithComparator); #else sort_((char *)base, &((char *)base)[(elements - 1) * size], size, comp, 0); #endif } } namespace asap { class ROTableColumnBackDoor: public ROTableColumn { public: static BaseColumn *baseColumnPtr(const ROTableColumn *col) { return ((ROTableColumnBackDoor*)col)->baseColPtr(); } }; static void copyColumnData(void *colValues, size_t elementSize, uInt nRows, BaseColumn *refCol) { char *base = (char *)colValues; for (uInt i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { refCol->get(i, &base[elementSize * i]); } } void traverseTable(const Table &table, const char *const columnNames[], const TypeManager *const typeManagers[], TableVisitor *visitor, Bool doSort) { #if TIMING double s = currenttime(); #endif uInt colCount = 0; for (; columnNames[colCount]; colCount++) { AlwaysAssert(typeManagers[colCount], AipsError); } ROTableColumn *cols[colCount]; void *colValues[colCount]; for (uInt i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { cols[i] = NULL; colValues[i] = NULL; } size_t sizes[colCount]; const uInt nRows = table.nrow(); for (uInt i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { cols[i] = new ROTableColumn(table, columnNames[i]); colValues[i] = typeManagers[i]->allocArray(nRows); sizes[i] = typeManagers[i]->sizeOf(); BaseColumn *baseCol = ROTableColumnBackDoor::baseColumnPtr(cols[i]); PlainColumn *col = dynamic_cast (baseCol); if (col) { const uInt gotRows = col->dataManagerColumn()-> getBlockV(0, nRows, colValues[i]); DebugAssert(gotRows == nRows, AipsError); } else { copyColumnData(colValues[i], typeManagers[i]->sizeOf(), nRows, baseCol); } } uInt *idx = new uInt[nRows]; for (uInt i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { idx[i] = i; } try { if (doSort) { CompContext compCtx(colCount, colValues, typeManagers); modernQSort(idx, nRows, sizeof(idx[0]), &compCtx); } visitor->start(); Bool first = True; for (uInt i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { if (visitor->visit(first, idx[i], colCount, colValues) == False) { break; } first = False; } visitor->finish(); } catch (...) { delete[] idx; for (uInt i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { typeManagers[i]->freeArray(colValues[i]); delete cols[i]; } throw; } delete[] idx; for (uInt i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { typeManagers[i]->freeArray(colValues[i]); delete cols[i]; } #if TIMING double e = currenttime(); printf("%s took %.3f sec\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, e - s); #endif } } #if 0 && TIMING #include #define elementsof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x)) using namespace asap ; class IntComp: public Comparator { public: virtual int compare(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(int*)a) - (*(int*)b); } }; static int compare(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(int*)a) - (*(int*)b); } int main() { IntComp myComp; srand((int)currenttime()); const size_t N = 1024*1024*100; int *x = new int[N]; int xx[] = { 5, 3,0, 1, 2,4, 4, 4 }; #if 0 { int x[] = {1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[0], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert(p == NULL); } { int x[] = {1, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[1], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert(p == NULL); } { int x[] = {2, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[1], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1] && x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2); } { int x[] = {1, 2}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[1], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1] && x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2); } { int x[] = {1, 1, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert(p == NULL); } { int x[] = {2, 1, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[2]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 1 && x[2] == 2); } { int x[] = {1, 2, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[2]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 1 && x[2] == 2); } { int x[] = {1, 1, 2}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[2]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 1 && x[2] == 2); } { int x[] = {2, 2, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 2); } { int x[] = {2, 1, 2}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 2); } { int x[] = {1, 2, 2}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 2); } { int x[] = {1, 2, 3}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 3); } { int x[] = {2, 1, 3}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 3); } { int x[] = {1, 3, 2}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 3); } { int x[] = {3, 1, 2}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 3); } { int x[] = {3, 2, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 3); } { int x[] = {2, 3, 1}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[2], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[1]); assert(x[0] == 1 && x[1] == 2 && x[2] == 3); } { int x[] = {36, 39, 42, 41, 36}; char *p = findPivot((char *)x, (char *)&x[4], sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); assert((int*)p == &x[4]); assert(x[4] == 42); } //assert(("assert enabled: OK", false)); modernQSort(x, 8, sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", x[i]); } #endif fprintf(stderr, "init\n"); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { x[i] = rand(); } fprintf(stderr, "sorting\n"); modernQSort(x, 1, sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); modernQSort(x, 2, sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); modernQSort(x, 3, sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); if (! getenv("QSORT")) { double _s = currenttime(); modernQSort(x, N, sizeof(x[0]), &myComp); double _e = currenttime(); fprintf(stderr, "modernSorted %.3f\n", _e - _s); } else { double _s = currenttime(); qsort(x, N, sizeof(x[0]), compare); double _e = currenttime(); fprintf(stderr, "qsorted %.3f\n", _e - _s); } fprintf(stderr, "outputting\n"); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { printf("%d\n", x[i]); } delete[] x; } #endif